icequeen_aran May 26, 2011 00:34
#action, !narration, *max, bitchmode, who am i really, birthday, falcon wears dresspants, *blacky, this is gay, how does i do normal, son i am disappoint, jeff, #text, it's my party and i'll brood if i want, *liquid, anti-social icequeen, tsun tsun samasu, *falcon, *peach, y so srs, mommy issues, *erika, %location: firehowze, srz bsns, *neris
icequeen_aran Mar 01, 2010 00:23
!narration, #audio, *falcon, aparoid war, who am i really, %location: gunship cockpit, #gunship log, y so srs, *jeff, nostalgia
icequeen_aran Jul 20, 2009 21:15
#action, i am three years old today, who am i really, *arceus, diabetes, *lighter, *blacky, *yoshi, i don't have a dick, *lucas, *snake, *falcon, %location: campus, *char, *weavile, *vashta, *pit, time paradox, *slippy
icequeen_aran Apr 09, 2009 02:14
!narration, who am i really, %location: gunship cockpit, what the fuuuuuuck, what is love, foxalive, *hawke, #text, drama, brooooding in space, bounty hunter business, #audio, tsun tsun samasu, *otacon, #gunship log, falcon, y so srs, snake
icequeen_aran Dec 18, 2008 02:43
fake childreeennnn, who am i really, %location: gunship cockpit, what is love, foxalive, nightmare, jeff, otacon, drama, brooooding in space, #audio, medical mishaps, ollie, holiday spirit what is that, #gunship log, y so srs, mommy issues, mreeooow i hate ocelot, snake, srz bsns, not even bullets
icequeen_aran Oct 18, 2008 17:59
fake childreeennnn, who am i really, %location: gunship cockpit, what is love, nostalgia, damn kids, son i am disappoint, foxalive, jeff, otacon, it's my party and i'll brood if i want, drama, brooooding in space, #audio, #gunship log, falcon, mommy issues, y so srs, snake, weekend